The following car camping tips can make your camping on the island a smooth and memorable one. Read on to figure these car camping tips on Maui.


Relevant Car Camping Tips On Maui

The following practical car camping tips on Maui will make it easier to get the best out of your camping experience on the island:


Don’t Limit Yourself to One Spot

The ability to camp in multiple places on the Island is one of the benefits of camping on Maui. Check out these five best places to go camping on Maui. and do keep in mind that reserving your Campsites first on Maui is mandatory!


Pick a Safe Spot for Your Tent

Look around the area for dead or dangling trees and branches. Your tent should be set up in a level, well-drained area. This is one of the best car camping tips on Maui – unless you’re renting a Jeep camper from Zazu! Our Jeeps come fully equipped with Tepui Rooftop Tents that can sleep 3-4 people.


car camping tips on maui

Stay Organized

Make a mental note of where everything is in your jeep. As long as you follow the approach, different heaps will do in place of beautifully ordered bins. This makes it possible for you to spend more time enjoying the outdoors and less time searching for that spork that you’re positive is hiding beneath the driver’s seat but, on second thought, might actually be in the glove box.


Fill Up The Tank


Although it might seem apparent, it’s crucial to start your weekend with a full tank of gas. The terrifying gas light turning on as you exit your vehicle on a forest service road is the worst possible scenario. Never forget to fill up your tank!


Turn the Lights Off Inside Your Car


Since you’ll probably be opening the doors a lot, keep the indoor lights turned to the “permanently off” setting to conserve battery life. To be on the safe side, you could also bring jumper cables in case your battery dies. If you’re getting a jeep from a premium jeep camper rental company on Maui, you’ll most likely not worry about this.


Bring Lots of Water


Fill as many water bottles as you can before the trip. Given that you won’t be carrying the weight on your back, weight is not an issue, and having plenty of water provides you peace of mind. In order to refuel, take advantage of every gas station, visitor center, and bathroom.


Throw Out Your Garbage

By packing up all trash, you can practice Leave No Trace (LNT). Take the time to dispose of your trash if there are trash cans nearby, such as at trailheads or visitor centers. You wont end up spending time in a jeep that smells stale. You won’t have to bother about driving around with the windows down.


Store Food in the Car

By keeping food and cooking supplies in the car, you can stop hungry animals from setting up shop on your site. Bring a cooler and sealed containers for your food; this keeps the food fresh and reduces the stench factor.